Oncology Physiotherapy

Radiation Exposure (1)

In this article we will discuss Radiation Exposure (1)

Exposure to uranium radiation can cause various health effects, including both acute and long-term health risks. The most common diseases caused due to uranium radiation exposure are:

1. Cancer: Uranium radiation exposure can increase the risk of various types of cancer such as lung cancer, bone cancer, and lymphoma.

2. Kidney damage: Uranium radiation exposure can cause damage to the kidneys, leading to various renal diseases.

3. Birth defects: Exposure to uranium radiation during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects in the newborn.

4. Respiratory diseases: Uranium radiation exposure can cause various respiratory diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis and chronic bronchitis.

It is important to note that the severity of health effects depends on the amount and duration of the uranium radiation exposure.

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