Organochlorines Physiotherapy Poisoning

Classification and Mode of action of Organochlorines

In this article we will discuss the Classification and Mode of action of Organochlorines

In this article, we will discuss the Classification and Mode of action of Organochlorines. So, let’s get started.


The organochlorine compounds are classified into following 4 major groups depending on the biological activity and chemical composition.

1. Chlorinated ethane derivatives such as DDT and its analog methoxychlor, etc

2. Hexachlorocyclohexane such as benzene hexachloride (BHC), lindane.

3. Cyclodiene derivative such as chlordane, aldrin, dieldrin, endosulphan, heptachlor

4. Chlorinated camphenes such as toxaphene

Organochlorines are synthetic compounds that are soluble in lipids and other solvents but not in water. Their main route of entry is through skin (during spray), GI tract (following ingestion) and lungs (following inhalations as aerosols). Their toxicity varies considerably and may be modified to a great extent by the toxicity of dissolving agent. The organochlorines are not much used now-a-days, hence, only few compounds are available in the market such as endosulphan and lindane. They are safe and less toxic than organophosphorus compounds.

Mode of action

The principal site of action is nervous system. They produce initial CNS stimulation followed by depression or paralysis.

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