Community-acquired pneumonia Hospital-acquired Pneumonia


In this article we will discuss about the Definition and Types of Pneumonia.

In this article, we will discuss about the Definition and Types of Pneumonia. So, let’s get started.

Pneumonia is defined as an acute inflammation of the lung parenchyma along with features of consolidation and exudation on clinical and radiological examination. It is one of the leading cause of death and morbidity in the developing as well as in developed countries. It is also one of the most common cause of nosocomial infection in adults and children.


Community-acquired Pneumonia which refers to pneumonia occuring in healthy adults in a community. It usually spread by droplets inhalation (airborne) and ciggratte smoking, alcoholism, and immunosuppression (immunosuppressive individuals such as HIV affected individuals, diabetics etc or individuals on immunosuppressive drugs) acts as predisposing factors.

Hospital-acquired and Ventilator-associated Pneumonia or Nosocomial Pneumonia refers to infection that is developed more than 48 hours after admission to the hospital (i.e Hospital-acquired) or more than 48 hours after endotracheal intubation in mechanically ventilated patients (i.e Ventilator-associated)

Read further articles on Pneumonia given below

Symptoms and Physical findings of Pneumonia

Causative Pathogens responsible for community-acquired Pneumonia

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