Symptoms of Dengue Fever, Prevention from Dengue Fever,Dengue Fever

Symptoms of Dengue Fever and its Precautions

In this Article we will discuss about the Symptoms of Dengue Fever and also what possible preventive measure one should adopt in order to be safe from the disease.

In this article we will discuss about sign and symptoms of dengue fever and what possible preventive measures we should adopt in order be safe from this debilitating disease.


General Dengue Fever includes following symptoms:

Musculoskeletal pain
Pain behind the eyes
Swollen glands
High Grade Fever
Bleeding tendency

Majority population recover within a week or so but some cases it results in a more severe form called dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever shows following symptoms:

Severe abdominal pain
Continuous vomiting
Bleeding gums or epistaxis i.e bleeding from nose
Blood in urine, stools or vomit
Petechiae or Ecchymosis i.e bleeding under skin
Difficult or rapid breathing
Cold or clammy skin (shock)


Stay away from heavily populated or overcrowded places.
Use mosquito repellents, even in indoors like mosquito repellent roll-ons,creams etc.
Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks in outdoors.
Make sure window and door screens are not left open and check for holes.
Prevent mosquitoes to enter your house.
Use mosquito nets.
Use camphor,neem oil and coconut oil to keep your house mosquito free.
Avoid collection of water, always remember to empty cans and bucket or cover them.

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