What is Ebola Virus?

In this Article we will discuss about Ebola Virus, an agent responsible to cause a very severe,dreadful,epidemic and highly contagious disease known as Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever.

Hey Guys, in this article we will discuss about ebola virus responsible to cause a serious haemorrhagic fever aka Ebola haemorrhagic fever. So, lets get started.


Ebola virus is a Group V negative sense single stranded RNA virus of family Filoviridae and species Zaire ebolavirus.

Mode of Transmission

  • Blood or body fluids (saliva, sweat, breast milk, semen etc) of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola Disease.
  • Objects (such as needles and syringes) contaminated with blood or body fluids from a person sick with Ebola disease or the body of a person who died from Ebola disease.
  • Infected fruit bats or nonhuman primates (apes and monkeys)
  • Semen from a man who recovered from Ebola disease.


  • Avoid Contact with blood and body fluids of the infected person.
  • Avoid Contact with items that may have come in contact with an infected person’s blood or body fluids (such as clothes, bedding, needles, and medical equipment).
  • Funeral or burial rituals that require handling the body of someone who died from Ebola Disease.
  • Avoid Contact with bats and nonhuman primates or blood, fluids and raw meat prepared from these animals like bushmeat or meat from an unknown source.
  • Avoid Contact with semen from a man who had Ebola Disease.
  • Recent studies reveal an experimental vaccine called rVSV-ZEBOV was found to be highly protective against the virus in a trial conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international partners in Guinea in 2015.

In the next article we will discuss about symptoms and treatment of Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever. Stay Tuned.

Copyright © 2018 Priyesh Banerjee, ptmasterguide.com

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13 replies on “What is Ebola Virus?”

The fact there is a vaccine is encouraging. What a horrible disease. Does it stay in the body in a latent state like HSV or is the period of transmissibility after recovery limited after the acute phase is over?

yes it survives in the body for quite a long time a dead corpse is contagious for up to a week. Virus even survives for days in hospital surfaces and instruments.It’s virulency and sustainability is much more than other viruses.

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