SNAG,Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides, Cervical SNAG,Lumbar SNAG

SNAG (Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide)

In this article we will discuss about SNAG

It is one of the most effective technique for spinal pain relief and gaining good spinal range of motion . It’s a very tricky technique requiring ample amount of practice, efficiency and precautions.

SNAG’s work directly on the facet joint that can help a disc lesion and assist McKenzie response.

SNAGs can be applied to all the spinal joints, the rib cage and the sacroiliac joint.

The therapist applies the appropriate accessory zygapophyseal glide while the patient performs the symptomatic movement.

It must result in full range of pain free movement.

SNAGs are most successful when symptoms are provoked by a movement .

Cervical SNAG’S

Cervical Flexion SNAG,Extension SNAG and Rotation SNAG Techniques are described in the given below video link


Lumbar Flexion SNAG and Extension SNAG Techniques are given in the below video link

Practice this excellent technique for spinal pain relief and for good range of spinal motion.

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